concurrency and parallelism
Andraž Bajt / @edofic
I'm a student. Programming in scala for a year. Doing some Akka stuff currently.
I'm on twitter and some other networks, I have a blog.
How many are familiar with akka?
Concurrency vs Parallelism
Concurrency: two tasks running
Parallelism: two things running at the same time
Good for OS/processor
Bad for programmer
Deadlocks, race conditions, synchronization
"Impossible" to get right
Lightweight processes. Time sharing. Need shared data = communicate through
side effects. BAD. There are books like "Java concurrency in practice". Who
read that?
Error handling. Try catch. Everbody has to know how to fix the vending machine.
Harder to be faster since this is how hardware works.
Node.js is popular
Error handling
Been here since ever e.g. function pointers in C.
AFAIK node made this popular.
node is popular because it's non-blocking. This means it cannot block and wait.
And node solves this with callbacks. communicate through side effects. therefore impure
no one to catch errors. Vending machine has to fix itself. When it's dead. hard.
Indentation/callback hell. Monads in javascript. Cool.
The Actor Model
Carl Hewitt 1973
Erricoson Erlang in 80s
Different take on OO
Picture says it all. There are lightweight actors that send messages to eachother.
Every actor has a mailbox. I processes one message at a time. Therefore single threaded.
EASY to reason about. Can wrap mutable state safely.
Can create new actors. Graphs that heal them self. Vending machine is cjust a proxy to
another vending machine. And it can repair it.
Defining actors
import akka.actor._
case class DoStuff(s: String)
class Worker extends Actor {
def receive = {
case DoStuff(s) => doStuff(s)
case msg: String => println(msg)
case 42 => sender ! "You'll need a bigger computer for that"
def doStuff(s: String) = ... //some blocking operation
import akka.actor._
import akka.pattern.ask
val sys = ActorSystem()
val worker = sys.actorOf(Props[Worker])
worker ! DoStuff("details")
worker ! "hello world"
val question: Future[Question] = worker ? 42
import akka.routing.RoundRobin
val worker = sys.actorOf(
Props[Worker] withRouter RoundRobin(5),
Exact same code!
akka.actor.deployment {
/myWorker {
router = random-router
nr-of-instances = 17
There is also router FromConfig. You can define your own.
Going remote
Just change the config
remote deploy
remote actor lookup
cluster aware routers
no code changes
Call now and get these for free
Typed actors
Event bus
Dataflow model
See http://akka.io/